How to become a co-author of a prepared manuscript

On this site you can choose a manuscript on your own research field and become one of its authors. You may look through the information about each manuscript’s publication: information about the price, journals, submission deadlines, publication dates, a brief description of the manuscripts and keywords.

If you have questions, call Our contacts are provided next to each topic.

Info about our company

«International publisher» LLC is officially registered company. It provides services for the publication of scientific articles on legal grounds, in accordance with the norms of international law.

We specialize in the publication of scientific articles in foreign journals indexed in Scopus, Clarivate Analytics and Web of Science.
We also publish scientific articles in local journals of each country.
Currently we are working in two directions:
1. Co-authorship.
2. Publication of the manuscript provided by the client.

1. Co-authorship

Co-authorship - the opportunity to become a co-author of the manuscript that is already accepted for publication in the journal. All available topics of the manuscripts for co-authorship are announced on our website.

Information is updated in real time. You can buy a whole manuscript or an author-place in the list of authors of the manuscript. Buying a whole manuscript, you can increase the number of author-places. The co-author can also make suggestions / corrections to the text of the manuscript. Due to the number of authors, co-authorship service is cheaper than publishing your own manuscript. We will prepare a manuscript as well as search for co-authors ourselves.

2. Publication of your own manuscript

Publication of your own manuscript - guiding and support through the whole publication process: from the writing of the manuscript to its indexation in the scientific database. This service allows the author to publish his/her own manuscript in top rating journals. We work individually with each manuscript. The term of publication of the manuscript is determined by you and fulfilled by our company: from 2 months (for the journals indexed in Scopus Q3-Q4) to 18 months (for the journals indexed Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus Q1-Q2).


We have been publishing scientific manuscripts in the journals indexed in Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science and so on from 2003.
Our company fulfilled successfully more than 1000 contracts last year.
International publisher LLC provides publishing services for scientific articles on legal grounds.
100% guarantee of publication and indexation of the manuscript.

Frequently asked Questions

1. Will the publication be on time?

Publication date is always agreed with an editor of the journal. All terms are real.

2. When will indexation be?

The standard term for Scopus indexation of the manuscript is from 4 to 8 weeks from the moment of publication of the last manuscript in the journal’s issue. Indexation of the manuscripts in Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) is from 1 to 5 months.

3. Procedure of the work

1. To buy. 2. To agree the manuscript or to give your edits. 3. To receive the link for publication. 4. To receive the link for indexation.

4. What are the guarantees?

We are the only company that guarantees the publication and indexation of a manuscript in the journals indexed Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science under the contract.

5. Who will be the other co-authors in the list of authors of the manuscript I chose?

The co-author may be a scientist from any country. We guarantee confidentiality to our clients. You can find out information about co-authors at the stage of agreeing on the final version of the manuscript, before its summation to a journal.

6. If I will be the only co-author?

The article will be published in time with the co-authors who paid.

7. How to get to know the name of the journal?

We guarantee confidentiality to our clients and to our journals under the partnership. We do not announce the name of the journal and the topic of the manuscript until the payment. This data is available only to the co-authors of the manuscripts.


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We will be glad to meet you!

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